Wi raít di Baíbul im Niú Tẹ́stámẹ́nt (NT) búk-dẹm wé wi raít fọ Naijíriá Píjin (NP) an Ínglish.
We translated the New Testament (NT) books of the Bible into Nigerian Pidgin (NP) and English.
Wi dú di wọk fọ ték hẹ́lẹ́p plẹ́ntí míliọ́n pípul wé de spík an ọndastán di tuú lángwej.
We did the work for millions of people who speak and understand both languages.
Na fọ ọ́dá pípul tuu, wé wán yúz di buk-dẹm lẹ́n haú to ríd éní ọf di tuú lángwej.
It is also for others who want to use the books to learn how to read either of the two languages.
Wi yúz Naijíriá Píjín (NP) standadaíz ọtọ́gráfi an álfábẹt ték raít di Niú Tẹ́stámẹnt.
We used the Nigerian Pidgin (NP) standardized orthography and alphabet to translate the New Testament.
Naijíriá Píjín (NP) standadaíz ọtọ́gráfi bi di kọrẹ́t wè fọ ték spẹ́l an raít di lángwej im wọd-dẹm.
Nigerian Pidgin (NP) standardized orthography is the correct way to spell and write the words of the language.
Di rait wé wi raít Niú Tẹ́stámẹnt fọ NP go hẹ́lẹ́p pípul wé de spík Naijíriá Píjin.
Our translation of the New Testament into NP will help people who speak Nigerian Pidgin.
I go hẹ́lẹ́p dẹm dẹm sábí ríd an ọndastán Gọd mẹ́sej fọ lángwej wé dẹm de spík síns di taim wé dẹm bi smọ́l pikin.
It will help them know how to read and understand God’s message in the language of their heart.
Na lángwej wé dẹm de ték tọ́k wit ích ọ́da dé bai dè.
It is a language that they use in interacting with each other daily.
Di rait wé wi raít Niú Tẹ́stámẹnt fọ NP go ọ́lsó hẹ́lẹ́p pípul wé nọ́ de spík Naijíriá Píjin. I go hẹ́lẹ́p dẹm lẹ́n haú to spík an ríd fọ di lángwej.
Our translation of the New Testament into NP will also help people who do not speak Nigerian Pidgin. It will help them learn how to speak and read the language.
Di Niú Tẹ́stámẹnt (NT) wé wi raít fọ Naijíriá Píjin bi di Baíbul wé wi yúz raít di Niú Tẹ́stámẹnt fọ Ínglish.
The Nigerian Pidgin New Testament (NPNT) that we translated was the source we used to translate the New Testament into English.
Di rait wé wi raít Niú Tẹ́stámẹnt fọ NP an Ínglish go mék am ízii fọ pípul wé de spík Ínglish mék dẹm lẹ́n haú to spík an ríd NP.
English speakers can use the bilingual New Testament to easily learn how to speak and read NP.
Abaut di Wọk Wé Wi Du fọ Ték Raít di Tuú-lángwéj Baíbul
About the Bilingual Bible Translation
Na plẹ́ntí plẹ́ntí taim wi chẹ́k di Baíbul wé wi raít fọ Naijíriá Píjin (NP) an Ínglish.
The translation work was revised numerous times.
Na Hólí Spírit gív ọ́s di sẹns wé wi ték raít Baíbul fọ Naijíriá Píjin an Ínglish. So, as wi de dú di wọk, wi fíks awa hat fọ wétín I tẹ́l ọs mék wi du.
It was the Holy Spirit that gave us the wisdom which we used to translate the Bible into Nigerian Pidgin and English. So, as we were doing the work, we focused our minds and hearts on what He told us to do.
Wi mék shọ sé wi traí wẹ́l wẹl to raít di Baíbul mék i dé kọrẹt gọọn. An wi raít am fọ di kaín wè wé i dé ízii fọ pípul to ọndastán.
We made sure we tried our best to translate the Bible accurately. And we translated it in a way that is easy for people to understand.
Wi ọ́lsó traí wẹ́l wẹl to raít am fọ di nọ́mál wè wé pípul de spík di tuú lángwej.
We also tried our best to translate it in the natural way people speak both languages.
Wi traí wẹ́l wẹl to mék shọ sé, wétín wi raít fọ Naijíriá Píjin an Ínglish mín di sém tin as di ọríjínál tins wé dé fọ Gọd wọd. Na Im wọd wé I tọ́k trú Im prọ́fẹt-dẹm an Im Pikin wé bi awa Ọgá Jízọ́s Kraist.
We tried our best to ensure that what we translated into Nigerian Pidgin and English has the same meaning as the original text of God’s word. His word which He spoke through His prophets and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Wi ọ́lsó traí wẹ́l wẹl to mék shọ sé sé wi raít di tuú lángwéj Baíbul mék i bi di kaín wọn wé ọ́l di pípul wé de ríd am nọ́ go faínd am had to ọndstán. Wi wán mék dẹm ọndastán am, i nọ́ matá wẹ́dá na smọ́l skul dẹm gò ọ na yunivásíti.
We also tried our best to translate the bilingual Bible to be such that all readers would easily understand. We wanted them to understand it regardless of their educational background.
Wẹ́n wi de raít di tuú lángwéj Baíbul, wi fọ́ló di kọrẹ́t wè fọ ték hándúl an raít tins fọ di lángwej-dẹm.
When we were translating the bilingual Bible, we followed the grammatical rules of the two languages.
Wi traí mék shọ sé di wọd-dẹm wé wi chuz fọ ték raít am bi wọd-dẹm wé nọ́ go wahálá pípul wé de spík Naijíriá Píjin an Inglish to ọndastan.
We endeavored to make sure that the words we selected for the translation would not be difficult for speakers of Nigerian Pidgin and English to understand.
Dis mín sé, wi yúz wọd-dẹm wé pípul wé de spík Naijíriá Píjin an Ínglish de yúz ẹ́vrídè fọ ték tọ́k wit ích ọ́da.
This means that we used words that speakers of both languages use every day to converse with each other.
Bọt as wi de dú so, wi mék shọ sé di wọd-dẹm mín bi di sém tin as wétín dé fọ Grík Baíbul.
But while doing so, we made sure that the words mean the same thing as what is in the Greek Bible.
Wi de prè sé, as yu de ríd dís buk-dẹm wé dé fọ Baíbul, mék Hólí Spírit hẹ́lẹ́p yú ọndastán Gọd wọd wẹ́l wẹl.
It is our prayer that as you read these books of the Bible, you will let the Holy Spirit help you have a clear understanding of the word of God.
Mék Gọd blẹ́s yu!
God bless you!